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Who we are

Our free 12-month residential program provides a supportive and safe environment where men and women learn to break free from harmful patterns of behavior that support addictive lifestyles, and in turn create new healthy habits.

Our Team

Our team of experienced pastors
mentors, and volunteers are committed to walking alongside participants on their journey to a new life.

How we do it

Our program is designed to address the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of addiction. Rather than only concentrating on the problem, we focus on discovering solutions that facilitate lasting change in the lives of our residents. Participation in group studies, pastoral counseling, worship services, and life-skill workshops help instill the timeless solutions found in Gods word.


Self-improvement methods for dealing with triggers, anger, forgiveness, relationships, conflicts, and much more are taught to empower participants for future situations that would normally lead to relapse.


Let Us Help

Lifechangers is an alternative to secular addiction treatment centers. Biblical principles and spiritual truths transform lives by the power of God and frees people from addictions of every form. Here at Lifechangers we teach these truths, principles, and habits as the means of transformation for every person willing to put them into practice.

Resident Enrollment

To enroll into our program free of charge all potential residents must participate in a 15-20 minute phone call in which they will be informed of
the intake process and be given full disclosure to what services are being
offered and what is to be expected from them. 

You’re only one step from your journey to freedom! 


Call to found out more or book your entry date today!


We Are Life Changers

We are a 12-month free faith-based recovery ministry that focuses on helping those who struggle with life controlling issues such as drug addiction and alcoholism. We do this through practical teachings that instill biblical principles to deal with triggers, bad habits, destructive thought patterns, trauma, and other pillars of addictions while replacing them with Life-changing values, perspectives and attitudes that empower growth and long lasting change.

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